Sitemap - 2024 - Still More to Say

Hit by court ruling, San Jose schools recognize Christian sports club

Rahab: a prostitute and unlikeliest hero of the Old Testament

Appeals court finds Catholic school could fire gay teacher who announced marriage

Fact check: Would bill outlaw Christian teaching, as Gaetz and Greene claim?

United Methodists become united over ending ban on ordination of gays

Laws deep in Leviticus highlight social-justice aspects of ancient commands

Tale of life affected by pastoral abuse offers dose of hope with political critique

Embattled court nominee Mangi has long record of arguing for religious freedom

U.S. Catholics strongly favor liberalization of church policies

Here’s what you may not know about the Ten Commandments

Journalist offers an intimate look at her departure from evangelical faith

Vatican document denounces sex-change surgery, unequal distribution of wealth

Indiana court uses religious-freedom law to uphold right to abortion

Update: Oklahoma high court seems skeptical of plan for Catholic charter school

Trump-endorsed Bible is little more than a shameless money grab

Gallup poll compilation confirms trend of declining religious involvement in U.S.

Christians’ Last Supper observances connected to Jewish commemorations of Passover

Fact check: Was child taken from home due to Catholic parents’ beliefs about trans identity?

New Indiana law could allow more students out of classes to get religious education

Of populous countries, Japan, then U.S., ranks lowest in religious restrictions and hostilities

Bestselling author takes provocative approach to Christian involvement in government

Update: On 6-5 vote, appeals court rejects tribal efforts to prevent mining on sacred lands

Survey finds Christian nationalism strongly linked to church attendance, geography

Yes, God has a name, but you’ll seldom see it in most Bibles

Does personhood begin at conception? It depends on how the political winds are blowing

State versions of religious-freedom law clear Utah Legislature, advance in Iowa and Georgia

Did Moses really write the books of Moses?

Fact check: Did an Alabama court make its controversial IVF ruling based on the Bible?

Update: Supreme Court lets stand ruling that 3 Christians could be kept off jury

Is it possible to avoid complicity with and compartmentalization of evil?

Large Texas school districts wary of new law authorizing chaplains

Reaction to Super Bowl ads shows how Christian nationalism has poisoned Christianity

What’s in a name? In Genesis, everything

Washington state Senate advances bill requiring clergy to report child abuse

New book on Mormon history focuses on church’s continual changes

Fact check: Did a state lawmaker say non-Christians are unfit for public office?

Survey finds most ‘nones’ believe in the Biblical God or, more likely, some other higher power

Three theological takeaways from the first chapter of Genesis

Fear remains at heart of white evangelical support for Trump

Fact check: Is a European politician being persecuted for tweeting from the Bible?

Oklahoma lawmaker aims to make Ten Commandments conspicuous in classrooms

Christians far from monolithic in their beliefs on how human life came to be

Culture wars tied to some, not all, lower-level religion-related court cases

Have you made resolutions for ’24? If so, prayer or church is probably on your list

Here’s the religion-related news we’ll be watching this year